Nursing Hiring Success Stories

See how we’ve connected companies of all sizes with the right hires.

iHire is working for us and it’s working well. We definitely have been receiving qualified candidates through iHire – especially on iHireNursing. The platform is simple to use and is helping meet our hiring goals quickly.

Tina Coleman, Director of Wellbeing and Preventative Solutions
Impact Health

On the 2 occasions we have placed ads on, the responses from nurses in the Dallas metroplex have been outstanding, both in the number of candidates and their qualifications. Our nursing business specializes in Long-Term Care Insurance services that involve home assessments & case coordination. Although we have been unable to employ all of the RNs who responded, we have met many professional candidates and built a resume file to draw on for the future. We have found that is the only source we need for recruiting.

Mary Ann Gilman, RN, Manager Long-Term Care Claims Services
International Claims Specialists/EMSI

iHireNursing has been a successful recruitment tool for us. There are not many recruiting tactics out there that work for RN's and LPN's.

Laurie Teeter, Recruiter
St Coletta of WI

Everything was helpful!! I posted 3 jobs and hired 3 people… easy and quick.

Ashley S

I tried for the first time and have been quite pleased. I had two positions to fill and have filled them both with candidates. I tried also another more expensive on-line recruitment website and got no valuable responses. I would recommend and will use this site again.

Judy Wonyetye, Director
Compassionate Care Hospice

We were VERY happy to receive qualified applicants the first hour after we posted our listing! Amazing! What a great way to find qualified nurses. Thanks.

Jeanette Shelly
LifeCare Resources, Inc.

We ran an ad with your company to employ a General Manager for our firm. To start with we set the qualifications high on the assumption we might have to compromise later on. On the third day we received a resume on an individual whose background appeared to good to be true. We employed him the following month.

Forrest Wallace, President
employer-logo is one of valued candidate research and development tools. Unlike some of the bigger job board market leaders, iHireNursing.Com consistently delivers to our research department good candidates who are more on point. We consider your site an important tool in our candidate development arsenal, particularly on those searches with a greater degree of difficulty.

John Self, President & Managing Partner
JohnMarch Partners, Inc.

I have found your site to be very useful in my recruitment efforts. This is a popular site with professional nursing staff, a great way to advertise!

Mary Arden, Recruiter
Genesis ElderCare

Recently recieved a fax from iHireNursing with a CV of a very qualified nurse after posting a very unsuccessful classified ad in the newspaper. I hired her and she is truly the nurse I have been looking for since I started my practice 10 years ago.

Bob Wolfgram, Office Manager
Allergy & Asthma Center

Your agency has done wonders in filling up our shortage of nurses, especially our LVN's. Without your expertise in finding us qualified candidates for immediate hiring, our Home Health agency would be in critical condition with our staffing. After posting our ad with, we received over 50 applicants next day. Curently, we have filled those positions and are now on our way to expanding our agency. Please pass this on to your future clients! Thanks, iHireNursing!

Alex Mabini, Vice-President
Nurses Plus, Inc.

I have had great success in finding applicants for job positions we have posted. It is much easier to "weed" out applicants that don't truly qualify for the type of position you are trying to fill.

Valory Deon
Brighton Internal Medicine

Received a resume lead only hours after posting the position.

Elizabeth Santellanes
Texas Careers

My first experience with iHireNursing was amazing. I started as the new Director of Nursing at a busy community clinic in San Diego and was in desperate need of another nurse. Between administrative work and the day-to-day operation of the clinic it was definitely more than one person could handle. I was at my wits end after a month of trying to do two jobs; having no luck with hiring a staff nurse thorough the usual routes. I spoke to a follow Director of Nursing about my plight and she suggested that I try iHireNurses. Needless to say I was a skeptic when I placed the ad, but much to my surprise and delight I found a nurse. Not only did I find one, but also I found her in four hours. I place my ad on iHireNurses noon and at four o'clock that same day had a response. She was a qualified candidate who I interviewed and hired her the next day; two years later she is still with the firm. The person I hired is prefect for the position and is very happy here. Thank you iHireNurses.

Kevin Larkin
San Diego Family Care

I am pleasently suprised with the way this service has worked out. My experience with IHIRE has been short but so far a positive one.

Reginald Bastien
Horizon Nursing Services, Inc,

iHireNursing was an effective method of advertising a nursing position for my OR. I would recommend this as the best way to advertise for nursing positions.

Arthur Perry, MD, FACS
Perry Plastic Surgery Center
employer-logo is a user friendly, economical option to post Nursing positions. The fee to post jobs is much less than other websites and it is specifically for nurses.

Julie A. Neuhaus, Human Resources Specialist
Chippewa Valley Technical College

Our agency uses your site and have succesful hires.

Jacqaline Faltash
Bernard Hodes

Thanks to the professional resources of iHireNursing, we are now tapping into the placement of RN's. We feel that iHireNursing will be a valued asset to the growth to Colorado Personnel Resources, Inc.

Michael Grube II, General Manager
Colorado Personnel Resources, Inc.

We have quite a few leads already. We have successfully placed nurses from this site before, we feel it is money well spent. Thank you!

Sharon Parrish
Ameristat Nursing Solutions LLC

I had at least one candidate answer the ad the day after I posted it. So far I am very pleased with the results.

Patricia Fay
Blackstone Valley Community Health Care

Received responses immediately.

Susan King
Independent Dialysis Foundation, Inc.

The service is user-friendly and I hope to achive positive results from its use. Thank you.

Ener Hernandez
Angels Care Home Health, Inc.

Within hours of submitting our ad we had a candidate....interested in our position with great credentials.

Beth Garver
Hospice Care of the West

Very User Friendly

LeAnn Pederson
The Phoenix Residence, Inc.