CNA's - Full-time - Port Edwards
- Port Edwards, Wisconsin
- Full Time
JOB REQUIREMENTS: WHO WE ARE: Edgewater Haven is located in a park-likesetting in view of the Wisconsin River in Port Edwards, WI. EdgewaterHaven provides 5-star, quality care in a clean and comfortable home-likesetting. Our long-term caring staff is dedicated to your loved one\'soutcomes! We believe in the power of one person to make a difference inpatient care. Join the ranks of our rapidly growing team of healthcareprofessionals, and become that difference! OUR MISSION: Ourinterdisciplinary team works with each individual, his or her family andphysician, to provide an effective plan of care to reach personal goalsand highest potentials. We strive to provide for the mind, body, andspirit, while holding in the highest regard the rights and dignity ofeach individual. WHAT WE OFFER: In addition to who we are, EdgewaterHaven team members are offered competitive wages, flexible schedules,and excellent benefits, including: *Vacation and Sick Time - Startaccruing for both on your first day! *Paid Holidays *Call Time *ShiftDifferentials *Excellent staffing ratio *Health Insurance - we offerlow premiums and low deductibles, with excellent coverage! *DentalInsurance *Vision Insurance *Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) - Thisis one of the best-funded public pension plans in the U.S.! *457deferred compensation plan *On-Site Training and Continuing EducationCredits *Flexible Spending Account to set aside pre-tax dollars forchildcare and medical expenses *Life Insurance *Short and Long-TermDisability *Wellness Incentive Plan *Public Student Loan Forgiveness(PSLF) program Edgewater Haven is rated 5-Stars on GENERALFUNCTION Working as part of a healthcare team, the Certified NursingAssistant (CNA) provides quality nursing care to residents and assistswith their activities of daily living. The CNA needs to anticipate allof the residents\' needs to provide a safe environment that allows themto live as normal a life as possible, maintaining their dignity, respectand rights. RESPONSIBILITIES A. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1. Provide qualitynursing care to residents in an environment which promotes their rights,dignity, freedom of choice and their individuality as illustrated by thefollowing: a. Knowledgeable of the individualized care plan forresidents and provide support to the resident according to the careplan. Take vital signs and document accurately when completing dailycharting; report any signs of unusual behaviors or medical conditionsand report to supervisor promptly. Administer required treatments asassigned and document accurately. b. Attend to the needs of residentswith activities of daily living, which may include assistance withgrooming, bathing, oral hygiene, feeding, incontinent care, toileting,colostomy care, prosthetic appliances, transferring, ambulation, rangeof motion, communicating, or other needs in keeping with theindividuals\' care requirements. Allow residents to do what they can forthemselves. Residents will appear neat, clean and well-kept at alltimes. Document unusual findings (i.e., behaviors, skin abnormalities).Schedule activities of the day. c. Assist in maintaining a safe, neatand clean environment (making beds, putting away resident\'s clothing,emptying wastebaskets, cleaning floors, bathrooms and work areas, etc.);report environmental deficiencies to the supervisor such as lighting orequipment problems. d. Observe residents for changes in condition orbehavior and immediately report to supervisor. Work with healthcare teamto promptly and effectively intervene in a therapeutic manner. e. Answerresidents\' call bells promptly and courteously. Maintain the comfort,privacy and dignity of each resident in the delivery of services in amanner that displays warmth and promotes a caring environment. Maintaina calm demeanor during emergency situations. f. Lift, move and transportresident using proper body mechanics or lifting devices for accidentprevention. Proceed in manner as stated in status sheet/care plan. g.Communicate and interact professionally, effectively and tactfully withthe resident, visitors, families, peers, and supervisors. h. CompleteCNA records documenting care provided or other information per facilitypolicies and procedures. i. Responsible to know and practice the Safetypolicies of the County. Perform all job tasks in a safe and prescribedmanner. Responsible to know and practice established infection controlprocedures including thorough hand washing, use of disposable gloveswhere indicated and proper disposal of soiled materials, etc. B. OTHERJOB DUTIES 1. Assist and escort residents for appointments andactivities as required. Participate in activities and functions asdirected. 2. Assist with meals and reinforce good eating and cleansinghabits. Supervise dining room during meal times. 3. Fully understand allaspects of residents\' rights including the use of restraints accordingto State and Federal regulations, and to be free of abuse. Responsiblefor promptly reporting to the supervisor incidents or events of residentabuse neglect or misconduct or violation of residents\' rights. 4. Meeton-going requirements to maintain current CNA certification; participatein in-service and continuing education trainings as assigned. Providedocumentation of all training activities. 5. Other duties as may beassigned. Edgewater Haven is a partner with the WisCaregiver CareersProgram who have come together to offer caring individuals a streamlinedpath to success through WisCaregiver Careers. It\'s never been easier toenter the health care field. Free nurse aide training and testing Seeyour name added to the Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry Earn while youlearn foundational skills needed to advance Prepare to step up yourcareer ladder Grow into future positions Medication Aide, LPN, RN, oradministration Give back to your community Start your healthcare career.After completion of the WisCaregivers Careers program and when you havebeen working with us for 6 months, you will receive a \$500 retentionbonus paid by the program! What are you waiting for? To learn more aboutthis program, please visit WisCaregiver Careers Certified Nurse Aide(CNA) ( or call Justin Cieslewicz at ...AA/EEO ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: -Demonstratedability to maintain confidentiality. -Must possess basic everyday livingskills, the ability to read, write legibly, add, subtract, and spellcorrectly in order to follow and understand supervisor\'s directions,orders (as well as status sheets/care plans, weights, meal percentages,and charts). -Must possess effective verbal communication skills. Basicequipment used: EZ stand, EZ lift, gait belt, walker, wheelchair, sensorpad alarms, clip alarms, anti-rollback devices, seatbelts (alarmed orunalarmed), low beds, personal care items, mats for floor, scales, bloodpressure cuff, thermometer, telephone, and stethoscope. *****APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: